Limiting the number of attendees in a webinar

You can limit the number of attendees that can register for a webinar by enabling the Limited Availability option in the webinar's registration settings tab shown here

Here you can set the maximum number of attendees that can register. Once the limit has been reached no more attendees can register (recurring webinars limit the number of attendees per session)

Display the number of remaining seats

You can show the number of seats that are remaining on the registration page and in registration widgets using a special placeholder:

Hurry, only {{places}} places left!

You can show a different message when there are no places left using the {{#noPlaces}} placeholder, for example:

{{#noPlaces}}Sorry there are no places left!{{/noPlaces}}

Finally you can put that together with the {{#placesLeft}} placeholder to make a fully dynamic text block.

{{#placesLeft}}Hurry, only {{places}} places left! {{/placesLeft}} {{#noPlaces}}Sorry there are no places left!{{/noPlaces}}

This will show the number of places left if there is at least one place left, otherwise it will show Sorry there are no places left!

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